Terms of Use

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You may only use the data retrieved from this site for your own personal and non-commercial purposes.


Griffin Holdings (Proprietary) Limited (“Griffin”) makes no representations that the information contained on this web site is accurate or complete and no reliance should be placed on it for any purpose whatsoever. The information available via this website is provided to you for information purposes only and should not be construed as part of an offer. As a condition of use of this website, you agree to indemnify Griffin and its subsidiaries, employees, directors, shareholders, contractors and agents from any and all claims arising from or relating to any allegation regarding your use of the website.
Griffin does not make any representation regarding any other websites which may be accessed through this website and accepts no responsibility for the content or use of such website or information contained therein. Griffin shall not be liable to any party for any form of loss or damage incurred as a result of any use or reliance on any information contained on such website or any websites which can be accessed through this website.